Latest WTC Committee Meeting Minutes


Thursday 10th June 2021

7.15 pm via Zoom

1. Apologies for absence

Jamie, Kurt, Marty, Sue

2.     Welcome to Sue (All)


3. Minutes of last meeting (All)


4. Membership update (Adrian)

Solid adult numbers. Junior numbers will increase over the summer

5.  Finance update (Simon C)

Finances are stable with adequate provision for infrastructure costs

6. Marketing/website upgrade - based on 4) and 5) (Steve)

No need to invest in marketing at present based on the renewal levels

7. AGM – when/where (Steve)

Will await government update then Steve will propose date/location. Possibly combine as a social event in the middle of Wimbledon

8. Clothing update (Simon E)

Review next steps at the end of the summer

9. Safeguarding and equality (Eric)

Compliant at present and are reviewing the LTA 2023 strategy

10. Coaching update (Jon)

Darren Clarke (ex LTA) has joined the coaching team. New promotions and lots of ideas so a positive move

11. Lease update (Kurt)

Carryover to next meeting

12. Garden signage (Steve)

 Steve to get pricing/layout and agree costs/location with Jon and Simon C

13. AOB

  • 6 courts have now been allocated to social tennis Tues/Thurs AM until further notice
  • Review of marketing/promotional material e.g., brochures, pens. Jon/Steve to review and report back
  • Unfortunately pay & play will need to be suspended for a further period. Review at next meeting

14. Next Meeting - TBA

Steve to propose dates as soon as AGM date fixed