
Latest WTC AGM Minutes

Minutes of the WTC AGM

Held via Microsoft Teams 3rd March 2022

Present – S.Lemon, J.Yates, S.Schuster, C.Pearson, M.Rosenthal, S.Mcardle, A.Yates, S.Anker, J.Mansfield, May Family


1. Apologies K.Goddard, S.Evans, I.Brown, C.Russell, S.Carter

2. Matters Arising – Proposed AY, Seconded SS

3. Chair’s Report – SL presented his report. Thanked our long-term members who seems to be playing more, new members who have given such positive feedback, Coaching team for all of their work expanding the programmes and Adrian Yates and Simon Carter for their tireless work in keeping the club running

4. Treasurers Report – read by SL

5. Welfare Officers Report – all in hand, will continue to work with the LTA

6. Junior Programme Report – read by JY

7. Marketing Update – discussion re website development and marketing priorities

8. Club Captain’s Report – read by JY

9. Proposals - Membership fees to remain static at £120 senior and £60 junior – Proposed AY, Seconded SS

10. Election of Officers - En-bloc election Proposed – SS, Seconded AY

11. AOB

SS raised wind breaks. Committee will look into getting posts strong enough to withstand high winds

MR asked whether anti-moss treatment was due as there is a slippery patch on court 1 – to be investigated.

12. Date of Next AGM – Thursday 2nd March 2023