
Club News Section


Good news for LTTC tennis players - Court bookings available from Thursday 3 December 2020

Good news for all tennis players at LTTC

Summary for Tier 2 area

Social play is permitted in singles and doubles (Rule of 6 applies)

Coaching 1:1 is permitted 

Group coaching for children max 15 per court, for adults max 12 per court

Competitions are permitted. Singles and doubles for juniors or seniors

Travel is permitted to tier 1 and tier 2 areas

For the latest LTA guidance please see here

Please note that the Norfolk winter league is starting up again, and upcoming matches before December are being encouraged to be played. Those matches that have been missed will be re scheduled post Xmas.  Your respective captains will be in contact.

Court bookings will reopen from next Thursday.  Please ensure that you follow the LTTC policy for the use of the courts, including naming all those using the court for your booking so that we have the details for track and trace.