Medbourne Tennis Club Policies

As a fully registered tennis venue, Medbourne Tennis Club is committed to ensure the safety, respect and privacy of all its members and visitors.

The club holds a policy on each of the following:


Inclusion and Diversity 

Whistle Blowing


Online safety and communication policy

Photograpy and filming policy

The policies are available for members to view on the noticeboard outside the Clubhouse and on this website. If any member cannot access these policies, please contact any member of the committee; contact details can be found on the website and on the noticeboard at the clubhouse.


To view the policies, click on the indivual links below:

Safeguarding policy

Inclusion and diversity policy

Whistle blowing policy

Privacy policy

Online safety and communication policy

Photography and filming policy

Please also note that the club cannot take any responsibility for children under the age of 13 years  playing unsupervised on the courts. Children under 13 years must be accompanied by an adult when playing on the courts.

Any photography taken of members during play or at the clubhouse which will be used on the website, social media posts or promotional material must have the permision of an individual adult or a parent in the case of children. This permission must be obtained in writing on the form below and then this must be submitted to a committee member to retain for our records.

Photography and Filming Consent Form

The club membership secretary emails the membership fairly regularly with news and information about the club; if you do not wish to receive these emails, please contact:

Clare cunningham-Hill at