We enter different tennis leagues within the local area all year round to give memebers a chance to take part in match play.
Overall, we enter 5 teams in local leagues, including a mixed team in the Lowestoft and District League in which we are currently in Divison 3. We compete in the mens, mixed and ladies in the South Norfolk League. These all take place over the summer months and we now have two mixed teams in the Norwich Winter League - which we are in division 5 and 6.
Lowestoft League home matches are on Thursday evenings, which take place from May to August. The South Norfolk mixed home matches are on Tuesday evenings, ladies team home matches are on Saturday afternoons and mens home matches will be on Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings. Winter League matches are also on Sunday mornings, both home and away, but also indoors at Easton College. This league takes places between September and April.
Here is a link to our original fixture list for 2023/24 Fixture List
Some matches will have been re-arranged. Here is a link to the South Norfolk Fixture list