
Pro rata reductions apply to memberships taken out 4 months or later into the membership year. The membership year runs from April to March. With a minimum joining fee of £10.

Click on this link to view and download our 2025/2026 membership membership form 2025 application form or for renewing members membership form renewal 2025 

There are two ways of enrolling children as members. In all cases the child's parent/guardian is the person to whom correspondence will be addressed and who is responsible for their child's use of the club facilities. We use British Tennis's terms for Under-11 ["Mini"] and 11-17 ["Junior"]
Any full adult member may enrol their children under age 18 as Mini or Junior members at no extra cost. Each child’s name and date of birth must be recorded by the club but no fee is charged. Or: Where under-18s are members each paying the appropriate fee we require that at least one parent or guardian become an associate member, who may play on court with under-13s, will be entitled to hold club keys, and will be the adult contact in your household for communication from the club.

2025/26 full membership rates are as follows:

Adult £60 [children in the household may be enrolled free]

Mini [under-11] free [see Adult above] or £25 [one parent/guardian as Associate Member]

Junior [11-17] free [see Adult above] or £30 [one parent/guardian as Associate Member]

Student [in full-time education and aged 18 or over] £30

Associate Member [non-playing adult, eg parent of mini] £10

Guest of member: £2 per hour [max 6 visits per year]

There is a £10 deposit for keys, but no joining fee. Membership runs from April to March. Prospective members are welcome to come to a couple of club sessions on a trial basis prior to joining. Phone 01539 821985 or email the club secretary Sheila Hirst for a form or any further information. Pro rata reducations at our discretion for those joining mid-year [August onwards].

View our Constitution

View our Diversity and Inclusion Policy

View our Safeguarding Policy