

Covid 19 Update

Acting on the latest Government & LTA guidance we are now allowed up to 6 people at the courts from different households. So if members wish to play doubles at Burneside please do so with ease! Guests are allowed, please arrange to pass payment to Rachel, treasurer at £1.50 per guest per game.

Social tennis on Monday & Thursday 10am can now start again but we must stick to the 6 people limit so the 7th to arrive will have to wait in their car for one to leave or go home and play another day. Do ring the 'up for a game list' if you want to find someone to play. If you aren't on the email list for social tennis updates but would like to be please email Heather direct  or me.

Please continue to use your own balls as the clubhouse and loo will remain closed for the time being for safety reasons.

Have fun!
