Club Play

Social club play occurs on Saturday afternoons (from 2pm) and Tuesday afternoons (from 1pm) throughout the year. In the summer months, it also happens on Tuesday evenings (April - September).

All members present must mix in with play in the following format:

Using the Club Playing Board which has the courts numbered 1-8, each member has a named block (men white, ladies red) kept on a rack.

  1. The names of the players on a court are placed on the rack under the relevant number.
  2. At the end of the timed/ or number of games played, players return to the clubhouse and remove their names and place them in the waiting queue on the rack.
  3. The first name in the queue chooses 3 players to join him/her on court. Those 4 names are then placed under the court they will be playing on.

The process continues - the next name in the queue chooses, etc.  Players can choose to play mixed, or mens/ladies doubles.

We also have organised social tennis sessions, visit the information below for information on how to join.

The club takes part in various competitive leagues.. If you would like to get involved in matchplay, please contact our Captains, found in the Contacts page.


Ladies Social Play

  • Wednesdays 09:15-11:00, year round during term-time.
    Contact: Caroline Wilkinson ( for more information. Cost is £3 members & £4 non-members.
  • Thursdays 19:00-finish, September - March.
    Contact: Jane Brinklow ( for more information. Potential costs involved.
  • Fridays 09:30-11:00
    Contact: Liz Watson ( for more information. Costs involved for non-members.

Mens Social Play

  • Mondays and Thursdays 14:00-16:00
    Contact: Paul Evans ( for more information. This session tends to suit members with Daytime Membership packages.
  • Tuesdays 18:30-20:30, October – March
    Contact: Mike Gubb ( for more information. This session tends to be of a reasonable standard and generally includes players from the men’s teams.