We welcome new members and have a variety of membership packages available. Membership of the club allows you to join in at the club sessions which are on Tuesday evenings from 18:30pm and Sundays from 09:30am. You will also be able to play in club tournaments and as a team member, play competitive tennis too. As a member you would also be able to play outside of club sessions for free with other members, (conditions apply).
Membership (together with LTA membership) also entitles you to enter the "Wimbledon ballot" each year where you can obtain tickets to the championships!
Country Membership
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
Limited membership for players who are normally resident elsewhere but wish to play at the club during a temporary residence
Eligibility: To qualify the prospective member must normally reside 50+ miles from the club and be temporarily locally resident
Family Membership
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
Family Membership (Note: All juniors whom the committee permit to attend Club sessions MUST be accompanied by a parent AT ALL TIMES.
Eligibility: Family is defined as two tennis playing adults and any children up to 18 years who are in full time education. while children have free membership
Full Adult Membership
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
Available to adult members
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
Junior playing members up to 18 in full time education
Eligibility: Must be in full time education
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
Eligibility: Must be in full time education