
Winter Tennis

Outdoor Tennis
Tennis is not just for the summer! Our members want to play all year round, and that gets harder when the days get shorter and winter weather sets in. As long as there isn't constant heavy rain there are nearly always members who turn up and play at the weekend, even in the snow! We also have a group chat that is used to arrange day time tennis for those who's jobs allow it which is very popular with many doubles arranged every week.

In 2018 we  got floodlights on Braithwaite Court No.1 which allows floodlit tennis up to 10pm. This costs £4 for members and £5 for visitors and can be paid by members using a smart card or coins with the on court metre.

Indoor Tennis
The club often organises a 2 hour slot in Carlisle at Chatsworth Indoor Tennis Club on Sunday afternoons from 4.00 - 6.00pm during the winter months. This means 8 players are guaranteed weekend tennis no matter what the weather. All competent players are invited and those interested are allocated sessions based on availability and demand.