
Corova Virus Update 19/3/20

Ketton Tennis Club and Coronavirus 


The committee is taking our responsibilities to manage the situation caused by Coronavirus very seriously. We are continuously monitoring developments, and do our best to manage the Club’s approach to the rapidly developing situation.


At this moment, as tennis is an outdoor activity which involves small numbers and does not involve close proximity to others, we shall plan for a ‘business as usual’ approach. However, in line with guidelines, we will cancel all organised events which include larger numbers, eg, Juniors Sunday Mornings, Group coaching, social tennis evenings etc.


The KSCC clubhouse is likely to be closed, however, there is a key hung up in the tennis pavilion


This will of course be reviewed regularly and will inevitably change. We shall send regular email updates and post on the News tab on our web site, and on the notice board in the clubhouse.


In the meantime, members should obviously follow the guidelines for self-isolation and avoid activity which could possibly transfer the virus, eg. Don’t shake hands, use your own balls, wash your hands etc.

Hand sanitiser and paper towels will be provided in the pavilion, please use before and after using the facilities.

Gates, door handles and access key pads and net adjustment mechanisms will be disinfected regularly.

Many thanks for your co-operation is these difficult times


Your Committee