
Guidelines for use of Club facilities during Coronavirus period

Ketton Tennis Club -Guidance for Tennis Players

We are now permitted to re-open our tennis club, however under very strict health and safety conditions. Please refer to current full guidelines provided on the website. Be aware that these can change so please check the web site before playing.

Before leaving Home & after you return

  • Wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds

Access to the courts

  • The Gate number has been changed
  • You will receive details of the new number when you renew or join on line

Court Bookings

  • Bookings are free of charge to all members.
  • Courts must be pre-booked on the web site. For safety, do not turn up to the club without a court booking.
  • In order to book you must be a registered member of the club. If you have problems booking please contact the Secretary, who will try to resolve your issues.
  • Currently only courts 1 & 3 will be available to book on the web site.
  • Bookings are for a maximum of 90 mins, however, PLEASE leave the court 5 minutes BEFORE your session ends, to avoid contact with the next booking.
  • Junior members can book courts, however
    •  under 13s must be accompanied by a responsible adult to ensure guidelines are followed
    • Parents or guardians must ensure that older children understand and will follow the guidelines , if they allow them to use the facilities unaccompanied


  • Take hand and surface sanitizer and wipes with you.
  • Take all your own equipment (do NOT share equipment such as rackets, grips, hats, towels etc.)
  • Only take the minimum amount of equipment with you that you need to play.
  • Clean and wipe down equipment before and after use.
  • Bring a full bottle of water, and do not share food or drink with others.
  • Bring your own tennis balls that are CLEARLY MARKED (e.g. with your initials)
  • Ensure you take all your belongings with you at the end of the session and do not leave anything on court.

Travelling to and from the Court

  • Avoid using public transport
  • Arrive as close as possible to the time of your booking
  • Avoid touching anything which is not necessary
  • Allow others to leave before you enter the court – if you need to wait do so away from the courts and clear of the gates.
  • Wipe gate handles and key pad and anything you touch with sanitizer BEFORE touching and after leaving the courts.
  • Arrive changed and ready to play. Shower at home and do not use the changing facilities.
  • Avoid entering the pavilion unless necessary. EG. Keys to barrier to admit emergency vehicles to main gates.
  • Do not congregate after playing, please leave the area immediately.


During Play

Court Limits

  • Maximum of two people per court (singles play only). Players can be from different households.
  • The only exception to the above is where a group of ALL FOUR players are from the same household, in which case they can play doubles.
  • Coached sessions should be limited to one to one only

Maintaining Social Distancing

  • Stay at least two metres away from other players at all times ( including during play, taking breaks or before and after play)
  • Do not make physical contact with other payers (such as shaking hands or high fives)
  • Stay on your side of the court and avoid changing ends, or agree to change ends at opposite sides of the net.
  • Avoid chasing balls down to another court if other players are using it.

Equipment and facilities

  • Use your own clearly marked tennis balls
  • Avoid using your hands to pick up tennis balls that are not yours- use your racket/foot to hit/kick them to your opponent or return them to another court (this seems to indicate no serving, so the balls should be picked up with racket, bounced and hit into play)
  • Nets will be set at regulation height and handles removed. Avoid touching any other equipment.
  • Toilets are locked in the main clubhouse, and are currently out of use.


  • If you need to sneeze or cough, do so into a tissue or upper sleeve
  • Avoid touching your face


  • The initial focus during this phase is on recreational and social play, letting players practice.
  • No competitions, league matches, group coaching or Club nights are to be organised.

These guidelines are subject to change without notice.

Keep your distance and Stay safe!