
Kirkby Lonsdale Badminton Club

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Kirkby Lonsdale Badminton Club is a club for all ages all standards from beginners to experts. 

We are first and foremost a friendly club, with four teams in the Lancaster and Morecambe Badminton League. This enables both competitive players to join us, as well as social players. 

Where do we play.  Lunsdale Sports Centre, Kirkby Lonsdale. 

When do we play.    Monday evenings from 7.30pm until 9.30pm from Sept. to April

                                  Home league matches on Wed. evenings, 7.30pm - 9. 30pm

How many courts.  Six. 

Shuttles.                   Feather. 

Cost.                         To become a full adult member £70.00, junior £40.00(under 18) 

                                   If you just want to try us out first before making your mind up whether to join us it is £5.00 per visit. If                                           you do join us after your 6 visits then the £30.00 is deducted from your annual fee. 

Contact details.       Contact the club secretary, 


We are affiliated to Lancaster and Morecambe Badminton League, Lancashire Badminton and Badminton England. Player insurance is supplied by Badminton England. We have in place a Child Welfare officer, DBS checked personel and first aid personel.