
Eric Winton Trophy

The second running of the Eric Winton Trophy, named after long-time servant of the club, Eric Winton, is to be held on the afternoon of Saturday 27th April, 2024.  We plan to start the warm-up at about 12.30pm, with a view to a 1pm kick-off.

The format involves making pairs drawn by lots, with each pair playing seven other pairs over matches of 24 points.  Each player serves twice in batches of three points, with the change-around coming at 12 points played.  For a full explanation of the rules, see here.

A relaxed approach to proceedings is encouraged, with just a slight edge of competitive needle to make things interesting.  We expect to finish at about 4.30pm, or earlier if the weather intervenes or fatigue sets in.  Then it's off to the clubhouse for refreshments and short presentation ceremony.

Entry fee is £5.  You can pay here.

For details of last year's event, see this news item.