
Event Archive

Date Event
Saturday 18th May 2024 MCHTC Race Night
Monday 15th May 2023 Curry Night
Saturday 29th April 2023 Eric Winton Trophy
Thursday 30th March 2023 Club AGM
Friday 11th November 2022 Social and Presentation Evening
10th & 11th September 2022 Club Championship Finals Weekend
27th June to 9th September 2022 Club Championship Full Results
April 30th 2022 Refurbished Courts Launch Event



MCHTC Race Night - May 18th 2024

Morpeth Cricket, Hockey & Tennis Club (MCHTC) held the first of hopefully many race nights at the clubhouse on Saturday 18th May, with the action kicking off at 7pm. The evening was a great success, boosting the club coffers and providing raucous entertainment for the punters.



Launch Event - April 30th 2022

The crowdfunding campaign to raise £20,000 for the planned improvements to the courts and infrastructure has now come to a successful conclusion.  Thanks to fantastic efforts both within the club and from the wider community, we achieved a grand total of £21,290, and over £2,000  in gift aid from 145 supporters.  So, a big thank you to everyone who contributed.

Work on the new courts was completed in mid-April 2022, and to mark this great new facility we held a launch event on Saturday 30th April.

This was the itinerary on the day:

10:00-12.00 Junior coaching & games
12.00-1.30 Courts opening ceremony
Buffet lunch
1.30-5.00 Senior tournament (24 players)


Massive thank you to the following companies who joined our crowdfunding and contributed exciting rewards for contributions:

and sponsorship:


Eric Winton Trophy - April 30th 2022

To celebrate the opening of the top courts, which had just had major resurfacing work completed on them, and to thank all those who contributed to efforts in securing finance for the project, including the mammoth crowdfunding initiative to raise extra funds, Saturday April 30th 2022 saw an all-day launch event at the club.  Part of this event was a doubles competition spanning both top and bottom courts.

To mark the stepping down of long-time servant of the club, Eric Winton, from his post as treasurer, having previously filled all the roles possible in helping guide the club from the 1980s to the present day, it was decided that the competition would be an annual event at roughly the same time of year, named in his honour.  And Eric was on hand to crown Nuan Armstrong and Ian Vasey as the first winners of the Eric Winton Trophy.  See this news item for further details.


End of Season Social - 11th November 2022

Morpeth Tennis Club's inaugural End of Season Social evening took place on Friday 11th November 2022 at the Morpeth Cricket, Hockey and Tennis Club clubhouse.

The evening included an excellent buffet, a live band, and a short presentation of awards to those who won events at the Club Championships.  A good time was had by all, and it is hoped that this becomes an annual event.




Curry Night - May 15th 2023

On the evening of Monday 15th May 7pm, the club had its first social, non-tennis event of the year, a curry night at Manzil's in Morpeth town centre. Close on 40 people attended, and had an excellent time eating, drinking, socialising, exercising their brain power with the devious quiz, and, above all, raising £421, which will help us with our plans to replace the bedraggled dugout on the bottom courts. Thanks are due to Janet Robinson for organising the event and to Ian Robinson and Lilian Brown for providing admirable support.