
Court Booking

This is where you can book court time.  You don't have to book for Club Mornings (Mondays and Thursdays) or Club Nights (Tuesdays and Thursdays). Just turn up.

On this page you will find all 5 courts. Click to book your court. You can also do so from your phone via the Booker app. You have to download the app first but then it is easy. You can cancel or change bookings that way too, even at the last minute.

If you find you are denied access, this could be because you have not paid your fees yet, or your fees have not arrived in the Club's bank account, or you are not logging on correctly. See the guidance: Can't access Clubspark or book a court?  Court bookings on behalf of juniors

Guest fees
Members may play with one or more guests to play on one court with you at a cost of £6 per session per guest. There is no limit on the number of times you can bring the same guest, nor any limit on the number of guests you can bring on different occasions. Payment is to be made into the Club's bank account in advance. Bank details are on the website under Membership. If you find that the same guest has been playing often enough to make membership the sensible option, please contact