
Suffolk Tennis News


LTA Support for Clubs and Coaches

Regional Participation Development Manager Leo Tutt has sent the following e-mail to all clubs:


Dear Club Main Contact/Club Volunteer,

I hope you are staying well in these unprecedented and challenging times?

Hopefully you have already received a communication from our central team updating you on the support package available to venues, which can also be accessed via this link:  This includes:

· A telephone helpline, manned by legal experts, who can advise on accessing the various support packages provided by the government

· A loan repayment holiday for those venues with outstanding LTA loans

· The reimbursement of LTA registration fees (process to be confirmed shortly)

· Hardship fund (details to be confirmed later)

We recognise that this is not just a really challenging time for clubs but also for most coaches and details of our support package to coaches can also be accessed via the above link.  This includes the opportunity for self-employed, full-time accredited coaches to apply for a grant, to complement the support coming from the Government.

In addition to the support being provided through the LTA and the Government, Sport England have also set up a community emergency fund to support local sports clubs, Link : 

Further useful information on identifying and understanding the support available can be found via:

· Sport and recreation alliance Link:

· Your Active Partnership:

Having spoken with many of you over the last month it is encouraging to know that most clubs are confident about their current position, but I do recognise that there are a few, mainly larger clubs, who are facing some significant financial challenges. Please do continue to provide feedback on the financial health of your club and/or highlight any successes which you have had in sourcing external funding, as this not only helps us to better understand the regional picture, but also to improve our support to all clubs.

Please do forward this information, as appropriate, to other committee members.  I know we are all looking forward to getting back on court as soon as possible, but in the meantime I hope you stay safe and well and do let me know if I can provide any further support.

Kind regards,


Leo Tutt
Participation Development Partner