County Junior Tennis

Junior County Development and Performance Tennis Programme


Suffolk Lawn Tennis Association is pleased to partner with the Tennis Growth Partnership Ltd for the management of the junior county performance tennis programme. The joining of SLTA and TGP means a new era of county tennis in Suffolk. It is the first time that our county programme has been outsourced to a separate business and we are excited for the future of junior county tennis in Suffolk.

Tennis Growth Partnership Ltd is headed by experienced Suffolk Coaches: Ben Smith, Emily Stebbings and Ben Thompson, working in close collaboration with leading Ipswich Sports Club coach, Chris Daynes. For more information contact:

The programme is designed to be inclusive at all ability levels and ages, and develop a pathway to engage players from clubs and schools across the county.

Visit the Junior County Performance Page for more information - Suffolk LTA | Clubforce


Our Partner

We are delighted to partner with Halo ITSM, to create a strategic partnerhship to benefit Junior tennis across the County. The partnership and strategy will be driven by Tennis Growth Partnership. Both Halo and TGP have alignment in their objectives in striving for excellence and inovation.   


Performance Sub Committee

The Performance Sub-Committee is currently recruiting volunteers. As it develops its work programme more information will be shared here.

On these pages you can expect to find the commitment of Suffolk Tennis to:

  • Developing the best players in Suffolk
  • Fielding the best teams to play for the county and
  • Celebrating their successes.