
Tier 4 Rules

As you may have already read the tennis club will be under tier 4 rules from 31/12/20. The LTA has issued guidance which can be found at:

In summary only the following adult tennis will be permitted:

  • Singles play with another club member, no mixing in and no guests
  • Doubles, only when all players are from the same household/bubble
  • Adult 1 to 1 coaching

Please note that no off court socialising or spectating will be allowed on club grounds. It is unlikely that organised competition and leagues will be taking place but we are yet to hear anything formally. Further info will follow as soon as we are able.

Junior tennis: Squads will continue as normal and Pete will send out communication directly to those involved. Our current intention is for Saturday junior coaching to return as planned on the 9th, we are still awaiting final guidance on the rules around this. Hopefully we will receive this soon.

If you are unsure of anything regarding the restrictions please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for your understanding and your cooperation.