
Fram Tennis AGM

It's your Club your views matter.

Come along on Wednesday 27th November. 

if you can't make it please send you apologies to George


  1. Members present
  2. Apologies for absence 
  3. Acceptance of minutes of AGM 2023
  4.  Vote to adopt proposed new Constitution with revised Rules and Membership Terms and Conditions, (see explanatory note below, these documents are available for review on the club website new Constitution and Rules )
  5. Election of Committee

Election of 3 primary members:. Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary

The Chairman (Neil Leech) and Treasurer (Sue Pannaman) are standing for re-election, Georgina Jones has agreed to stand for the Secretary role. If anyone would like to stand for these positions please notify the Secretary(via

Election of ancillary members of the committee

Under the new constitution the 3 primary members of the committee can appoint ancillary members of the committee. If elected the above primary committee proposes to appoint the following ancillary committee roles for which candidates have agreed to stand, If anyone would like to stand for these roles please notify the Secretary (via

Welfare Officer: Tim Cope

Sports Club Representative and Groundskeeper: Paul Elliott

Membership Secretary: Kevin Hills

League/Match Coordinator: Peter Beckwith

Social Secretary: Sarah Elliott

Volunteers for non committee roles which are not elected (but which do get entered in the LTA Volunteer Wimbledon ticket Ballot) are as follows:

Pavilion Caretaker: Julia Wells

Ball Supervisor: Trevor Butcher

Grounds Maintenance Team: Donald Stewart

There are many other volunteer roles that could be taken on to reduce the workload on the existing committee  (for example, website administrator, bookings coordinator, social media coordinator, junior representative)

New volunteers are always welcome, please inform the Secretary (via secretary or make yourself know at the meeting if you would like to help run your club

6) Chairman's report

7) Treasurer's report

  1. Subscription rates
  2. Match fees

8) Junior Program and Coaching report

9) AOB