
Club COVID Secure Rules & Guidance

Market Bosworth Tennis Club COVID Secure Rules & Guidance   May 17th 2021


Club & Court Rules


No-one should leave home to participate in tennis if they, or someone they live with, has symptoms of COVID -19, currently recognised as any of:

    • A high temperature
    • A new, continuous cough
    • A loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste


Should an individual have demonstrated any such symptoms, they must follow NHS and PHE guidance on self-isolation and follow the steps for Test and Trace. *


Updated COVID Guidance from Monday 17th May 2021

Players and spectators should continue to maintain social distancing from those that they do not live with or are in a support bubble with, in line with Government guidance which is still applicable from 17/05/21 when playing, spectating or socialising.


Changes to Club Rules

Social Play

·No longer limited to 'rule of 6' so groups (up to 30) can meet outdoors to play

·Socialising is allowed outdoors   


·Group size limit outdoors now 30.    Socialising before and after now permitted  


·No limits on group size and socialising permitted outdoors (up to 30)


·Permitted outdoors,  social distancing to be maintained 


·Clubhouses are allowed to open but are subject to the rule of 6 and wearing masks indoors is required. In view of this, at the current time our Club house will remain closed to general use as we are not be able to provide sufficient regular cleaning or adequate ventilation to mitigate the risk created if it is opened.


·Car sharing will be permitted from 17th May so teams can share to travel to league matches. 

Tennis Leicestershire has provided the following information for team tennis.

Car sharing is permitted. You may wish to limit the number sharing a car and think about ventilation and face coverings whilst sharing (this is not official guidance but sensible.

Spectating is permitted at venues. It is up to clubs how many spectators can be accommodated and how they are distributed as social distance requirements still are in force.  

The Competitions Committee is still maintaining the "No post match refreshments" rule as few clubs can meet the social distancing requirements indoors.

"Socialising" before and after matches is permitted with the requirement to maintain social distancing. 


Court Bookings

Members should continue to use the COURT BOOKING SYSTEM.  Members have found this a very useful service as it avoids possible disappointment if turning up without a booking.

Coaching, Club Night and Match court bookings all show on the  Court Booking system.  Please ensure you continue to book onto all the groups sessions in advance.  


I hope that has clarified the changes to the new guidance but please read the LTA information provided for all players.


*Please can you read the information below carefully which outlines the Club’s Guidance regarding NHS Track and Trace.

  1.  If you have any COVID-19 Symptoms DO NOT come to the club or allow any other members of your household or bubble to do so. You and your household should self-isolate.
  2. Contact NHS Test and Trace IMMEDIATELY to order a test and follow the Government guidance
  3. If your test result is negative you should still exercise caution for 10 days from the start of your symptoms.
  4. If you test positive you will be asked by NHS Track and Trace to provide contact details of anyone you have been in recent close contact with and places you have visited. If you have been to  the club and been involved in a coaching session (group or 1-1)/Cardio/playing social tennis/league match or Club night you will need to have the contact details of everyone involved. Please email with the date of your last visit to the club and the activities you were involved in so we can provide you with the contacts.
  5. If you have been asked to self-isolate by NHS Track and Trace, your School or your workplace due to contact with a confirmed case DO NOT Come to the club until the end of your 10 day isolation period (this starts from the date of contact). If you develop symptoms follow the process above. If you are self-isolating but have no symptoms and have a negative test result you must still complete your 10 days self-isolation from the date of contact. DO NOT come to the club until the end of this10 day period.


Club COVID OFFICER -Kate De Fraja 0777451962

If you are unsure about whether you should come to the club, please contact me before you come to the club. DO NOT come down and ask your Coach to decide. If you cannot get me, please do not come to the club until we have made contact.

Contact details for Market Bosworth Tennis Club as a place you have visited  are: Kate De Fraja 0777451962