Coaching Team


Please find deatils of our coaching team below, all enquities for individula 1-1 or small group coaching should go to Jason Crockett.

Jason Crockett LTA Instructor and Lead Coach

Jason joined the team in July and has taken on the role of Lead Coach from September 2024.

He is available for 1-1 sessions and charges £20 per Hour.

he can be contacted on  +44 7541 943716 or


Claire Salt  Level 1 Assistant Coach 

Claire is currently working towards her Instructor Level  2 qualification and assists Jason in rnning junior, adult and schools tennis coaching.

Emily Crew  Level 1 Assistant Coach

Emily  assists Jason in rnning junior, and adult tennis coaching. 


Annish Tanner level 1 Assisstant Coach

Annish assists Jason in rnning junior, and adult tennis coaching. 


Kate De Fraja: Assistant Coach LTA Accredited Level 1 & Coaching Programme Administrator

Kate had been administrating the coaching programme for 7 years