
Let’s play tennis for free!

Let’s play tennis for free!

Foundation provided by Market Bosworth Tennis Club, in partnership with Marks Electrical

We will be running a series of free coaching sessions,  each lasting 6 weeks

Saturdays  1-2pm             starting 15/06/24

Saturdays  2-3pm             starting 15/06/24

Players are welcome to sign up for two sessions but not on the same day!

 Sign up today by selecting ‘Let’s play tennis for free’ on our coaching page. Any problems with signing up please email


 We established the ‘Let’s play tennis for free’ foundation with the ambition of creating a meaningful change and improving the lives of children in our surrounding communities.

Tennis isn’t just fun, it’s great for children’s health and social life. It boosts their heart health, agility and strength. Plus, it’s a fantastic way for them to make friends, whilst improving their teamwork and communication skills. It’s also a sport for life. But expert tuition from engaging coaches can be expensive.  That’s why, through our foundation, we’re aiming to open up doors to as many local children as possible.