LTA Tennis Initiatives

The LTA have a range of initiatives, including pay & play, getting started in tennis, tennis at home and lots lots more. Below are a selection of the latest initiatives with links to their relevant areas on the LTA website.

LTA Rally
Find, book and play tennis in your local area.

LTA Rally is the LTA’s new nationwide court booking website. An easy way to find, book, access and pay for your tennis court online.

LTA Youth Programme
Never held a racket? No problem, our specially trained LTA Youth coaches will adapt to each individual, to help bring out their best in a safe, secure environment.

Tennis at Home
You can improve your tennis skills any time, any place, with our Home Activities hub.

Parents in tennis: How to support your child
Parents play a pivotal role in sport and young people depend heavily on their involvement, support and encouragement.

Find out  what Advantage is.

Play Your Way
From now on, it’s tennis on your terms. So grab a racket, big or small, and get hitting. Hit like no one’s watching, hit like no one’s judging. However and wherever, just Play Your Way.