Somerset She Rallies

In partnership with Judy Murray, She Rallies has been created to strengthen and grow the female workforce across the UK, with the ultimate goal of attracting and retaining more women and girls in tennis.
Over the past 3 years the programme has developed and supported 50 female Ambassadors who have delivered training to over 2000 female Activators, (from both tennis and non-tennis backgrounds) in their local areas.
The training programme consists of 4 courses; Lil Miss Hits, (starter tennis for girls aged 5-8), teen girls starter tennis, fun days and recreational competition.
In 2020 there is a new 'introduction to level 1 course' which aims to provide an all-female supportive environment, for any women and girls aged 16+ interested in becoming the much-needed level 1 tennis assistants on court. She Rallies aims to show women of any playing standard they can deliver tennis experiences to inspire the next generation of women and girls to play tennis.
The She Rallies Ambassadors and Activators are a network of passionate and motivated women who by working together, are creating more opportunities for girls to play and stay in tennis.
Details of upcoming courses and other key resources can be found online via or follow on their social media channels;
Instagram @sherallies
Facebook @SheRallies
Twitter @SheRallies