We know that joining a new club can be daunting and it's not always easy to work out how to get connected; so we work really hard to try to make new members feel welcome. This page, together with your e-Welcome Pack, aims to give you all the information you need as a new member.
Is coaching available? We have a full coaching programme so please do contact our coaches directly. All our coaching opportunites are given in more detail on the Coaching Page
How do I meet someone to play? If you're looking for someone to play, come and play in our informal club social sessions held on Wednesdays and Sundays. We also run a Rusty Rackets session on Saturday afternoons. To find out more before you turn up, please contact Club Secretary Dianne creasydianne@live.com You'll be assured of a warm welcome.
Alternatively, if you are not sure about these sessions and are looking for more advice to find members of a similar standard, contact our Membership Secretary, Julia Crossman cranleyfarm@gmail.com, who will be happy to help.
Club Competition If you are looking for more competitive tennis you can find out more about social tournaments, box leagues and summer tournaments, by contacting Tournament Organiser Dave Courteen davecourteen@gmail.com or check out Play on our website
League Teams If you would like to represent Wortham Tennis Club in league matches contact our Club Captain Isobel Hunter on isobelhunter@btinternet.com
We aim to provide a warm welcome to everyone so if you have any questions or concerns not addressed on this website, please feel free to contact any of the Committee members below, who will be happy to help:
Richard Higgins – Chair
Julia Waters - Vice Chair
Dianne Creasey – Secretary
Lynn Borley – Treasurer
Julia Crossman – Membership Secretary
Lorraine Stanley – Welfare Officer
Isobel Hunter – Club Captain
Dave Courteen – Tournament Organiser
Polly Allen - Committee Member
Frances Beasley - Committee Member
Richard Budds - Committee Member
Maisie Cutting - Committee Member and Coach
Louise Maude – Committee Member
Esta Piper - Committee Member