Protecting children (everyone under 18 years) and adults at risk of abuse is as important in sport as in every other aspect of society. As an LTA Registered Venue, Bramford Tennis Club is commited to the highest standards of safeguarding that adhere to best practice guidelines defined and enforced by the LTA. We do this through the establishment and regular of key policies that apply to anyone who engages with the club in any capacity.
Safeguarding policies & information
- Safeguarding lead (Welfare Officer Poster)
- Safeguarding policy statement
- Safeguarding policy (including Whistleblowing)
- Safeguarding and Risk Assessment - Coach led events, activities and competitions
- Diversity and Inclusion policy
- Anti bullying policy
- Online safety and communication policy
- Safe recruitment policy
- Photography and filming policy
- Use of changing facilities policy
- Reporting a concern (flowcharts)
Contact information for reporting concerns
REPORTING A CONCERN WHERE THERE IS IMMEDIATE DANGER - If you believe that a child or adult is at risk of IMMEDIATE HARM call 999 and ask for the police
REPORTING A CONCERN WHERE THERE IS NO IMMEDIATE DANGER - Where there is NO immediate risk but you are worried about the safety of a child or adult (and even if it is nothing to do with tennis) contact the Club Welfare Officer via the following email: bramfordwelfare@gmail.com
Alternative agencies that can be contacted include:
The NSPCC: 0808 805 5000 or help@nspcc.org.uk
Suffolk County Council’s Customer First: 0808 800 4005
In addition, if you have concerns about an adult working on a paid or voluntary basis with a child, please follow this link for the Arrangements for Managing Allegations of Abuse Against People Who Work With Children. or email the Local Authority Designated Officer: LADO@suffolk.gov.uk or phone 0300 123 2044