The application form  for 2024/25 can be veiwed HERE .  Complete the form and send it to Alison Sewell, Membership Secretary, Plum Cottage, 1 Plummer Lane, Kegworth, DERBY, DE74 2DB. Tel 01509672157 and 07941567799.  Email:

Annual membership packages for 2024/25 are available for seniors (18 and over), students, senior citizens (65 and over), families and juniors U7, U12 and U18. . Payment can be with a  cheques payable to ‘Kegworth Tennis Club’ Or via BACS transfer to sort code: 60-14-10 account 50419412 - please quote surname as reference. 

Please note that existing members should re-join  before 30th April or their membership will cease.