School Support
Suffolk Schools Tennis Association.
Details for 2025
Entry forms for this year's Suffolk Schools events for years 3-6. Can be downloaded from the links below. The entries for years 7-10 are done directly on the LTA website so please enter there if you haven't already. Richard Daynes will running these events taking over from Richard Smith. Please contact Richard Daynes if you have any questions.
If you are a coach receiving this please forward to any schools that you work in/are linked to as it is always great when we have new schools involved each year
Please also make note of the changes in the rules for this years events which are as follows:
Change in age groups:
Red- Year 3 and under
Orange- Year 4 and Under
Green- Year 5 and Under
Premier Yellow ball- Year 6 and Under
The main reasons for this-
To stop children playing down. They can still play up but not down
The Premier had terrible entries last year. We should have more children(year 6's and exceptional year 4's and 5's) playing yellow ball
Children can play in a maximum of two events. That could for example be red mixed and boys or it could be orange and green girls(This is a change from last year where children could play in 3 events)
3. We have added mixed premier so that year 6's have the chance to play in two events
4. We will aim to have as many events as possible go straight to a finals/festival day but this will clearly depend on entries. We may have to have some preliminary events
Please get in touch if you have any questions. The entries close on Friday 31st January. I will then look to get the league information out to schools the following week.
Contact Richard Daynes for more details