Grants and Loans

The Somerset LTA Small Grants & Loan Scheme is available to registered venues to help with the development of tennis through the expansion of their facilities and also initiatives aimed at increasing their membership through marketing campaigns. Somerset based coaches who are committed to supporting Tennis in Britain may also apply for funding.
SLTA has assisted a number of coaches and venues, you can read more here.
The procedure for making and progressing an application is detailed here.
If you are a venue wanting to apply for grant funding then download a copy of the application form by clicking here.
If you are a coach or would be coach and would like SLTA support in obtaining appropriate qualifications then download a copy of the application form by clicking here.
For larger projects, a loan may be more appropriate and details of the scheme can be found here and a sample agreement here.
Once completed, these forms should be emailed to us as per the details on the forms.
If you would like to discuss an application prior to filling forms then please contact us via phone or email (details can be found at the Contact Us page) and you will be put in touch with someone who can offer advice.