Somerset Strategic Plan
This strategic plan sets out in clear terms what the Council is seeking to achieve over the next 5 years to promote and develop the sport throughout the county.
Fundamental to the plan is the need to support national strtaegy of Tennis Opened Up which aims to move away from the misplaced perception that tennis is an elitist sport and to actively encourage everyone and anyone to pick up a racket and enjoy the benefits of this sport irrespective of ability, age, race ,gender or any other discriminatory issue.
The plan provides a framework to help us move the sport forward in the county through much better communication, promotion and delivery of good initiatives to increase involvement whether as a player, official or volunteer. It also gives some guidance to all venues, coaches, players and other involved in the sport as to how they can help us develop this wonderful sport in our county.
Within the plan, we set ourselves not only high-level objectives but also lower-level operational targets and measurable milestones to make it easier to assess how well we are doing in delivering the plan and its objectives which we will review regularly. That review may give rise to opportunities to vary our delivery and operational plans to respond to changing conditions or other factors that may influence some priorities.
We encourage you to read the plan and we would welcome your comments and observations to help us better deliver our objectives for the benefit of this great sport across the county.