Take a look at where we've come from

1932    Originally formed with annual membership of five shillings per year. Continued to 1950

1955    Parish Playing Fields Committee granted permission for two grass courts. Club established on 25thMay.

1958    Mens and Ladies Singles Challenge cups introduced

1965    Junior trophies introduced

1969    Third grass court installed

1978    League tennis comes to Wortham as part of the South Norfolk Tennis League

1984    2 courts converted from grass to tarmac.  

 1994   Club night had started on a Wednesday evening and membership had reached 50

1997    Courts resurfaced, third court added and club hut built

2000    New Playing Field Pavilion with enhanced facilities

2001    Suffolk LTA Tennis Club of the Year

2005    Floodlights installed

2007    Courts repainted

2009   Granted Tennis ClubMark status

               Suffolk LTA Tennis Club of the Year

               Mini-coaching, Cardio Tennis and Tennis Xpress introduced to the club

2010    Membership hits 300 

2011    Highly Commended for Suffolk LTA Tennis Club of the Year

2012    Courts resurfaced

               Josh Goddard, a junior member, selected as national LTA Young Volunteer of the Year

2013   Courts repainted.  Club an ambassador for National Mini Tennis Week, one of only 100 clubs nationally      

2014   Fourth court added and named after former Chairman and Club Captain Laurie Dickson

               Officially opened by LTA President Cathie Sabin on 13 September 2104

2015   Suffolk Sport Club of the Year and Suffolk LTA Club of the Year

               Club changes status to become a Company Limited by Guarantee

               Club membership goes online

2018    Wortham Ladies 1st team wins Div 1 of Suffolk’s Ipswich and Felixstowe League

2020    Courts repainted

2023     Tennis Marathon raises over £3,000 for the Tennis Foundation.  Event visited by Sandi Proctor LTA President who presented     former Wortham Head Coach Emily Wharton with the Suffolk LTA Tennis for All Award for the work she did at Wortham on inclusive tennies.