Individual coaching with an LTA Accredited + coach for older junior players of all abilities (ages of 11-18)
- When - by arrangement (call Carl on 07553 966380)
- Cost - £15/lesson members, £18/lesson non members
- Duration - 45min/lesson
- Block booking (6 lessons) - £75 for members, £90 non members
Booking: Contact me at hotshottennis@outlook.com or 07553 966380 to discuss availability
Note: Advanced junior players who are competing may be offered longer 60min lessons (see Adults page for pricing options)
HOT SHOTS is a general squad aimed at older juniors who have some tennis playing experience and who are able to hold a simple rally. Younger players (10+) may be invited in exceptional circumstances if their playing ability is of a high enough standard.
- Where: Bramford Tennis Club (IP8 4HU)
- When - Saturdays at 10.30am
- Cost - £4/session members (£5 non members) - MUST BE BOOKED IN ADVANCE!
- Duration - 60min/session
- Sign up - check latest availability HERE or call 07553 966380
HOT SHOTS PERFORMANCE is an invitation only squad aimed at capable juniors who are actively taking part in competitions and league matches outside of the club. Younger players (10+) may be invited in exceptional circumstances if their playing ability is of a sufficient standard.
- Where: Bramford Tennis Club (IP8 4HU)
- When - Fridays at 6.30pm
- Cost - £4/session members (£5 non members) - MUST BE BOOKED IN ADVANCE!
- Duration - 60min/session
- Sign up - check latest availability HERE or call 07553 966380