24 hour tennis
On Saturday July 2nd and Sunday July 3rd we are holding a charity 24-hour tennis marathon to raise funds for Carer Support South Lakes. It should be a great weekend and we want to involve as many club members as possible from the best first team players to the youngest juniors to our most mature veteran players to get us through all 24 hours! There'll be a social tournament, barbecue, junior games and activities, competitions for fastest and slowest (!) serve, a brilliant raffle, and yes, tennis for insomniacs, right through the middle of the night.
It's the middle weekend of Wimbledon so we'll make sure we can keep up with the scores too. We'll also be inviting our friends from other south Cumbrian clubs. Pickleball players welcome.
It all starts at 3.00pm on Saturday and we want to have as much tennis as possible on all of our courts for a full 24 hours. We only have permission to use our floodlights through the night on Court 4, so that is where the Nightshift will take place. Imagine, a game of tennis, post-pub, pre-dawn by moonlight! These magical slots are looking popular, please book your place ASAP.
To take part we're asking for a £10 contribution per player to Carer Support South Lakes via our Justgiving page. For juniors, it's £5 or if you'd prefer to get your friends to sponsor you to raise extra funds please download a sponsorship form.
Look at the Booking Table (see below), choose a time - or better still, a selection of possible times - you'd like to play. If you can fill a court with 4 players, that would be fantastic but don't worry, we have lots of players signing up on their own who need partners and opponents. Choose Court 4 if it's not already busy. Email nikkimurray@live.com and heidimurray28@gmail.com and they'll get back to you.
When you've requested your slot please add your entry donation to our Justgivng page (see below).
£10 for senior players. £5 for juniors and students.
- If you just want to play in the Sunday afternoon tournament ask Nikki and Heidi for a Sunday afternoon slot.
- If you are playing in a slot before the tournament, please still come and join in on Sunday afternoon, this is our big summer social! Let Nikki and Heidi know you want to do both when you mail them.
- If you are booking a child in for the junior session, just say 'Junior' in your email.
BOOKING TABLE :24 Hour Tennis booking table
DONATE HERE: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/kltc
Saturday - We start at 3.00pm on Saturday on Court 4. Junior coaching is taking place on courts 1-3 through till 6.30pm. Those courts are then available until 10.00pm. There will be competitions, games and a cake sale in the afternoon.
Overnight - The Nightshift slots run from 10.00pm on Saturday through until 5.00am on Sunday, all on Court 4. Floodlighting will be free - and sunrise is scheduled for 4.42am on Sunday morning.
Sunday - All action tennis counting down to very last shots of our 24 hour marathon.
- 10.00am - 12.00 noon - July's Junior Club Tennis session is taking place with games, competitions and a special junior and buddy/parent/grandparent tournament which should be great fun.
- 12.00 noon - BBQ starts cooking, other refreshments available throught the afternoon too.
- 12.00 noon - Grand Social Tournament - suitable for all players. You don't need a partner because you'll be given a different one for each short match. It's a great opportunity to get to know your fellow club members, good fun and there are prizes for the players who win the most games There should be time to grab a burger between matches and have a go at the fastest/slowest serve competition, eat cake and enjoy a cup of tea or a Pimms!
- 2.50pm - Tournament matches on courts 1-3 will be suspended briefly for the final countdown to the very last shots of our 24 hours of tennis on Court 4.
- 3.00pm - Challenge completed!!!
- 4.00pm - Raffle drawn, winners announced, prize-giving.
We have a fantastic raffle with excellent prizes includng a 6 month gym and pool membership at the Riverside Hotel and afternoon tea for two at the Briery Wood Hotel on Windermere. Fastest and slowest serve competition. Longest rally competion. Guess the number of tennis balls in the box comp. Spot the Tennis Ball comp (like Spot the Dog but better!) Plus other games too. Remember some loose change to enter.
Carer Support South Lakes is a terrific local charity. Many of us will find ourselves caring for someone, probably a family member, at some point in our lives and it can be a challenging, stressful and lonely experience. Carer Support South Lakes is an independent local charity which helps improve the lives of unpaid carers by offering guidance, a respite care sitting service, and specialist support and activities for young carers under the age of 18.
This is their website. https://www.carersupportsouthlakes.org.uk
ANY QUERIES: please contact Caz Graham cazgraham@fastmail.co.uk