Membership Information

Membership renewals and payments are on-line.

Please do join us or renew your membership by clicking on the membership categories below. 

Our new memberships for 2025-6 are now live.

If you are able, please pay by the bank transfer option once you reach 'payment' because this incurs no admin cost to the club unlike the Stripe payment option. You still need to join through one of the categories below, not just pay,  so we have your details on our membership database and so we can email you about club events.  Many thanks.

Any problems just get in touch by emailing: 



Adult Buddy / Social 2025-26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Adult Buddy / Social 2025-26 season

Eligibility: Buddy membership is where an adult only plays with their child under 14 years of age; social membership is non-playing membership

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Adult Discounted 2025-26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Adult discounted 2025-26 season (can also play Pickleball)

Eligibility: Adults who are registered disabled or low waged (e.g. on universal credits, job seekers allowance)

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Adult New 2025-26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Adult new membership for 2025-26 season (can also play Pickleball)

Eligibility: An adult who has not been a KLTC member of any kind for the past 5 years, or who joined for the first time on or after 1st January 2025

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Adult Renewal 2025-26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Adult Renewal for 2025-26 season (can also play Pickleball)

Eligibility: An adult player renewing membership

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Child Primary School 2025-26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Primary school children 2025-26 season

Eligibility: A child at primary school or younger

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Family 2025-26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Family membership 2025-26 season

Eligibility: A family group of between 1 and 3 children of school age and up to 2 adults

Up to 5 members

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Junior 2025-26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Junior members 2025-26 season

Eligibility: A child of secondary school age

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Junior New 2025-26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

New Junior members 2025-26 season

Eligibility: A child of school age who has not previously been a member of the club

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Pickleball - Summer Membership 2025-26

01/04/2025- 30/09/2025

Pickleball members Summer Only 2025-26 season

Eligibility: Members who only play Pickleball (to end of September 2025)

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Pickleball 2025-26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Pickleball members 2025-26 season

Eligibility: Members who only play Pickleball (full season)

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Student 2025-26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Full time student 2025-26 season

Eligibility: A full-time student

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