Junior Tennis Coaching is on Saturdays. It runs all year and when the weather is bad during the winter months we move inside into the sports hall at The Queen Katherine School which is just over the road from our courts.
Courses are led by our Club Coach, James Wright who's an LTA Level 3 coach with our LTA Coaching Assistants Issy and Evie. For more details please contact James on 0785500 1858 or email jawright@twschools.com. You can claim 10% discount if your child is a member of Kendal Tennis Club.
We have a strong safeguarding culture at Kendal Tennis Club, please see our Safeguarding page for details.
Please also see our Junior Code of Conduct which ensures Junior tennis at KLTC is a happy and safe space for young players.
Kendal Junior Members also benefit from lots of additional free sessions, access to the courts at any time, competitions and more. Winter Junior membership is £10 and during the rest of the year it costs just £19 for Primary age children and £25 for secondary age. We strongly recommend club membership if your child is taking part in Saturday coaching, it will really help their tennis and it's great fun too. Join up on our Membership page. You can also join as a Buddy member and play tennis with your child outside of structured club events. All of our club junior activies are led by our Junior Secretary Erica Ferreira who's an LTA Level 2 coach. Email Erica on ekhzim@hotmail.com
In 2024 we have been continuing to help our Junior players to develop their confidence and tennis skills by playing more matches.
Our Junior Club Championships took place towards the end of the season and you can see how everyone got in on our Junior 24 Club Champs page.
We want to nurture a new young generation of Kendal tennis players who’ll enjoy getting to know the game while making friends, having fun and developing their confidence. It's not the winning, it's the taking part and having a brilliant time that matters. If you know of any budding players, please think about encouraging them to come along.
Tennis club membership for a whole year is cheaper than a single riding lesson, in fact, it’d be a great birthday present for the small people in your life!
For further infomation about Kendal Junior tennis contact our Junior Secretary Erica Ferreira on 07799 363540 or email her on ekhzim@hotmail.com
Junior players under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult at our courts unless they are taking part in an organised activity like a club junior session or coaching.