
Spring Clean Tennis Day

With spring in the air and the warmer weather (hopefully) approaching, it’s once again time for our annual spring clean day!

To keep it interesting and not all about cleaning, we'll be running both a spring clean and tennis competition on Sunday 23rd April, 10:00-1pm. 

There's a list of jobs that will be shared out amongst the willing 'spring cleaners' and we will start the competition at the same time ensuring playing, cleaning and maintenance are taking place at the same time! Please bring cleaning materials, gardening tools, hoovers and mops depending on what your spring cleaning specialism is. If you would prefer not to play and would just like to help with cleaning, please come along, your help will be very much appreciated! 

If you would like to play in the competition, please email Martha to let her know so that she can draw up a schedule for the matches. 

Tea and coffee will be available throughout the day.

Looking forward to seeing you there all there.