
The Big Summer Social

We're holding our Big Summer Social, our main social event of the summer (hence the title!) on Sunday July the 2nd from 1.30 - 4.00.

There's an American Tournament suitable for all standards of play, a BBQ, Pimms for those who fancy it along with a competition for Fastest Serve and Slowest Serve plus Spot the Ball and other fun and games.

All the family's welcome, family and friends welcome to enter too. The BBQ should be ready just as that morning's junior tennis ends. 

We're looking for contributions of cake and scones etc please. Bring on the day.  

Entry costs £5 which includes a burger or veggie equivalent.

To enter please email  MARTHA.S@HOTMAIL.CO.UK stating any dietary requirements.

We had a brilliant summer social last year as part of our 24 Hour Tennis Marathon raising money for Carer Support South Lakes and we reckon this one should be just as good!