
Club Championships

The draws for the 2024 Lorton Club Championships are now available online:

Please log in with your LTA account to enter your results


It is up to the player/s at the top of each pair in the draw to make contact with
their opponent and arrange the match.

Matches are the best of 3 short sets (tie-break at 5 all) with a championship tie
break (first to 10) at 1 set all.

Ladies singles this year is a round robin. Everyone plays everyone 9 games.
Please can the winner let me know the score. Please play 2 matches each
month of June, July and August

Please write up the result on the sheet at the club and also let me know via the
Lorton Club Whatsapp so that I can keep track of things.

The date by which each round needs to be played is written at the bottom of
the draws.

Please contact Rachel via WhatsApp if you have any questions.

Finals day this year will be on Saturday 7th September (or Sunday 8th if Saturday is wet).

Good Luck!