Your Social Tennis Calendar for Summer 2025

The programme below is the 2024 programme.  This will give you a flavour of what's on offer.  The programme for 2025 should be available by Monday  17 March


Sunday 14  April  11am  Opening Season Tournament with BBQ and Club Tournament Draw

Come along and kick off the 2024 summer season in style.  There's a bit of a new twist to this annual social event - it's the usual friendly club get together but will start in the morning - with the usual Handicap Doubles tournament.  There will then be a barbecue at lunchtime when we will make the draw for the Club Summer Tournament.  Don't miss finding out who you are playing/partnering. The Handicap Doubles tournament will then continue in the afternoon. This is a fun event and we hope including the Tournament Draw will make it an event you don't want to miss.  The handicap tournament is open to all yellow ball player members (there will be separate information about entry to the Club Tournament).  Please send your entries to


Wednesday 8 May - TopSpin Tennis demo at Club Night

TopSpin Tennis will be bringing loads of rackets for you to try out. A great opportunity to try out a new racket (and possibly buy at a discounted price) but also to have a fun evening at club night.  Come along and make it a huge success.


Sunday 12 May 1pm Whitbread Cup

Our annual mixed tournament which is aimed at those players who like to play a competitive standard of tennis.  This is always a popular event and we hope to attract plenty of entrants.  All matches will be played on the day and, for this tournament, you enter as a pair so please select your partner and them e-mail your entry to


Sunday 23 June 1pm Team Wortham Adult/Junior Tennis

 This is an event to celebrate all that is great about tennis at Wortham and to enjoy the fact that we are family friendly and welcome all ages and abilities playing together whether a family group or not.  It will be an energetic and fun afternoon of tennis for everyone - juniors and adults alike.  It will be a great team event and you will be put into teams of four to play competitive matches and we will also test your skills too!  There will be red cards, cheat cards and lots of points to be played and won. You are guaranteed to have a great time.  To enter e-mail


Sunday 14 July 6am Wimbledon Breakfast

Our traditional fun start to the Mens Finals day at Wimbledon.  Having been inspired by watching tennis during Wimbledon fortnight come along  for a fun club session.  Play starts early at 6am and you'll be rewarded by a great breakfast around 9 am.  Breakfast will be followed by our usual Sunday Club Morning social tennis.


Wednesday 17 July Ladies Charity Doubles

This event is always a huge success and draws in players from all over Suffolk and Norfolk.  For more information please contact


Sunday 8 September  - Finals Day

One of the highlights of the Wortham calendar.  A full day of great matches with all the finals of the Club's season long tournament for adults and juniors.  Don't miss it


Sunday 6 October 1pm Shoot Out End of Season Tournament

A really fun mixed doubles tournament that incorporates the chance to invoke some extra powerplays during your match to change the score.  This tournament is suitable for all ages and abilities with the emphasis on some relaxed, enjoyable social doubles tennis. Each match will be run on a timed basis so this is perfect for ensuring everyone gets equal time on court.  As always, there will be fab cakes!  This is the perfect way to end the summer season